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Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera R21.12 VirtualBox Appliance

Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera R21.12 VirtualBox Appliance

Let me apologize for my long absence from this blog, the last couple of years have been rather challenging for everyone including yours truly. I hope you are all staying safe and well.

Anyways, I am back and I hope to make it up to anyone out there looking to snag free Primavera VM’s for demonstration, training and testing purpose only. or just to learn about the product.

Oracle Primavera R21.12 was release for on-premises users late last year, I felt this would be a good time to upload some new images.

I am really excited about the introduction of REST API for P6 EPPM, this was previously only available in the cloud from version 21.9, now you can design and implement REST-based Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM integation solutions, for more information on Oracle Primavera P6 Integration tools refer to Overview of Oracle Primavera P6 Integration Tools (Doc ID 1088190.1)

The following Virtual Machines are available for download [FREE] on this page.

NameLinksSize (GB)
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM R21.12ol7u9-p6eppm-r21.12.ova10
Oracle Primavera Unifier R21.12ol7u9-primavera-unifier-r21.12.ova10
Oracle Primavera Gateway R21.12ol7u9-primavera-gateway-r21.12.ova11
System Requirements
Component Requirement
Operating System

Oracle Linux 7 (UL9)

Memory At least 8GB RAM
Hard Disk 50GB free disk space + 20GB temporary space during Virtual Machine import
Virtual Machine Server Oracle VirtualBox 6.1.30 or higher


Downloading the Virtual Machines

The virtual machines are available as appliances (.OVA files). Import the .OVA file into Oracle VirtualBox

Importing and Starting the Virtual Machines

Import the .OVA file into Oracle VirtualBox, this may take some time depending on your Host machine hardware.

Knowledge of Oracle VirtualBox and Virtualization in general is assumed to complete this task.

Starting the Virtual Machines

All virtual machines are configured to auto-login as “oracle” user at boot up, you do not need to enter a password.

Installation Details

All virtual machines share the same installation details

Component User Name Password
Linux user oracle Admin123#
Root user root Admin123#
Database admin system / sys Admin123#
WebLogic Server Admin weblogic Admin123#

All application specific login credentials can be found in the ReadMe.1st file located on the respective virtual machine desktop.

Starting/Stopping Application Services

Each virtual machine is configured with self-explanatory start and stop scripts, instructions can be found in the ReadMe.1st file located on the  virtual machine desktop.

Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera 19.12 Applications Oracle VirtualBox Appliance

Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera 19.12 Applications Oracle VirtualBox Appliance

Welcome to the Primavera 19.12 release of the Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera Applications VirtualBox appliance series, I  want to take the opportunity to apologize for my slow response to your comments/questions/issues, especially around downloading the uploaded files. I have taken the necessary steps to correct the issues with the FTP site. I look forward to your feedback. This virtual machine is for demonstration, training, and testing purposes only. If you want to use this Virtual Machine in a production environment, please contact you Oracle Primavera Sales Rep for the required application license. This Oracle VirtualBox appliance contains fully configured, ready-to-use Oracle Primavera 19.12 applications, all you have to do is, install Oracle VM VirtualBox on your desktop or laptop and import the Primavera 19.12 applications appliance, yeah it is really that simple – trust me. For the first time, the appliance is built on a Microsoft Windows Server Operating System,  This is a 180 days evaluation version, that you may extend. This appliance was also tested with VMware ESXi 6.5, steps on how to import this appliance into VMware ESXi is beyond the scope of this blog post. Finally, while this VirtualBox appliance is provided FREE, sadly we are not able to provide free support, please leave your comments and questions and we will do our best to get back to you. The following Oracle Primavera software and required enabling technologies are installed in the Oracle VirtualBox appliance;
Microsoft Windows Server2019 Evaluation
Oracle Database 18c Express Edition (XE)
Oracle WebLogic Server12.
Oracle SQL Developer19.4.0
Java SE Delopment Kit 64-Bit1.8.0_131
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM19.12.0.0
Oracle Primvera Unifier19.12.0.0
Oracle Primavera Gateway19.12.0.0
Oracle Primavera Professional for EPPM19.12.0.0
Oracle BI 12c (BI Publisher)
Please see the Readme document for detailed instructions on downloading, importing, and using the Oracle VirtualBox appliance, this guide assumes a working knowledge of Oracle VirtualBox Networking and other related settings.


Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox (version 6.0.20 or higher)
primavera-1912-appliance.ova40.0 GB
Download and install a md5sum program to check if your downloads completed correctly. Download 7-zip and after all files have been downloaded, use it to extract the .001 file to obtain the .ova file to import into VirtualBox. You will need at least 200GB of free space (not including the downloaded files and .ova file) on your computer to import this virtual machine. You may also download the extracted primavera-1912-appliance.ova file if you wish.
Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera 18.8 Applications Oracle VirtualBox Appliance

Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera 18.8 Applications Oracle VirtualBox Appliance

Welcome to the latest release of the Free Pre-built Oracle Primavera Applications VirtualBox appliance, I also want to take the opportunity to apologies for my slow response to your comments/questions/issues, especially around downloading the uploaded files. I have taken the necessary steps to correct the issue with the ftp site. I look forward to your feedback. This virtual machine is for demonstration, training, and testing purpose only. If you want to use this Virtual Machine in a production environment, please contact you Oracle Primavera Sale Rep for applicable licenses. This Oracle VirtualBox appliance contains fully configured, ready-to-use Oracle Primavera 18.8 applications, all you have to do is; install Oracle VM VirtualBox on your desktop or laptop and import the Primavera 18.8 applications appliance, yeah it is really that simple – trust me. If you use Oracle VM Server, you may also import this appliance into your Oracle VM Server infrastructure, this appliance is tested with Oracle VM Server x86 Version This appliance was also tested with VMware ESXi 6.5, importing this appliance into Oracle VM Server and VMware ESXi is beyond the scope of this blog. The following Oracle Primavera software and required enabling technologies are installed in the Oracle VirtualBox appliance;

Oracle LinuxRelease 6 Update 7
Oracle Database 12c Release EE
Oracle WebLogic Server12.
Oracle SQL Developer18.
Java SE Delopment Kit 64-Bit1.8.0_181
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM18.8.0.0
Oracle Primvera Unifier18.8.0.0
Oracle Primavera Gateway18.8.0.0
Please see the Readme document for detailed instructions on downloading, importing and using the Oracle VirtualBox appliance


Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox (version 5.2.18 or higher)

Download and install an md5sum program to check if your downloads completed correctly. Download 7-zip and after all files have been downloaded, use it to extract the .001 to obtain the .ova file to import into VirtualBox. You will need at least 200GB of free space (not including the downloaded files and .ova file) on your computer to import this virtual machine. You may also download the extracted oracle-primavera-v188-ol67-appliance.ova file if you wish.

FREE Oracle VirtualBox Prebuilt Oracle Primavera 16.1 Applications Appliance

FREE Oracle VirtualBox Prebuilt Oracle Primavera 16.1 Applications Appliance


Better late than never they say, It took me a little longer than I expected to get this FREE Primavera P6 EPPM 16.1 applications appliance ready, I hope it was worth the wait 🙂 . As usual I look forward to your feedback and I wish you all the best as you try out this new version of Oracle Primavera products.

This virtual machine is for demonstration, training, and testing purpose only. If you want to use this Virtual Machine in a production environment, please contact you Oracle Primavera Sale Rep for applicable licenses.

This Oracle VirtualBox appliance contains fully configured, ready-to-use Oracle Primavera 16.1 application, all you have to do is; install Oracle VM VirtualBox on your desktop or laptop and import the Primavera 16.1 applications appliance, yeah it is really that simple – trust me.

If you use Oracle VM Server, you may also import this appliance into your Oracle VM Server infrastructure, this appliance is tested with Oracle VM Server x86 Version

The following Oracle Primavera software plus required enabling technologies are installed in the Oracle VirtualBox appliance;

Oracle Linux (64 Bit)Release 6 Update 7
Oracle Database 12c Release
Oracle WebLogic Server12.
Oracle SQL Developer4.1.3.20
Oracle Business Intelligence 11g (BI Publisher)
Oracle Business Intelligence 12c12.
Java SE Delopment Kit 64-Bit1.8.0_77 and 1.7.0_80
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM16.
Oracle Primvera Unifier16.
Oracle Primavera Gateway16.
Primavera Analytics16.
Primavera Data Warehouse16.

Please see the Readme document for detailed instructions on downloading, importing and using the Oracle VirtualBox appliance.


Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox (version 5.0.20 or higher)


Download and install an md5sum program to check if your downloads completed correctly.

Download 7-zip and after all files have been downloaded, use it to extract the .001 to obtain the .ova file to import into VirtualBox. You will need at least 100GB of free space (not including the downloaded files and .ova file) on your computer to import this virtual machine. You may also download the extracted Oracle-Primavera-16.1-apps_DEMO_VM.ova (md5sum 8c4cf38be0986fd7f1ec1b81beea167b, 35GB) file if you wish.